White Rock Lake

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Click Here or scroll down for lake images with associated poetry (“poetography”).

Today, Will I See Beauty?

Today, Will I See Beauty?

(if you are viewing this via email, the website has a recording of this poem and commentary; click the title above) Commentary One of the better things about Facebook is that it brings up posts from the past. Today, it brought up this post from September 14, 2020. I had ...
Reflection Inversion

Reflection Inversion

This is the stream that runs down from Norbuck Park and feeds into White Rock Creek before it enters White Rock Lake. I pass by this on my frequent walks over to Flagpole Hill. One day, I stopped, sat down on the bridge, and started filming. For interest, I tossed ...
Broken Sunset

Broken Sunset

How I Built This On a rainy day walk around the lake, I came across a smashed-up smartphone. It had no identification on it, and wouldn't power on after charging, so I gave up on trying to find its owner. However, I did notice that there was a pretty interesting ...
Grape Hyacinths With a View

Grape Hyacinths With a View

Often, I have to sit on the ground or lie down in the grass to get the best perspective for photographs. It always occurs to me that this is the view that little critters in the field have of the world around them. Do they appreciate beauty? I hope so ...

Lake Images With Poetry

Simple Pleasure

Simple Pleasure

Commentary There must have been some interesting conditions in the sky over Dallas yesterday. A little after I took this photo of clouds with finger-like extensions, I noticed the formation of mammatus clouds* a little to the East. So, I wanted to share the photograph, and to confess that I ...
Eyes Open to Beauty?

Eyes Open to Beauty?

I began the day thinking of how we sometimes respond with "Meh" when "Wow!" would be more fitting. A long walk confirmed the "Wow!" response ...
Adrenaline's Good, But Lousy

Adrenaline’s Good, But Lousy

When angry men are on a roll,
It's usually best to take a stroll.
#lessonsimlearning #proverbs2224 ...
About That Fruitless Tree

About That Fruitless Tree

Last night, instead of sleeping, my mind was aswirl with thoughts of trees, vines, fruitfulness, and the relationship of these to imago dei. Too often, I have stopped at noting the object (e.g., the persistent tree) without noting its purpose: fruitfulness, provision, generosity like that of the Creator. "Be fruitful." ...

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